This document presents a simple demonstration of how to use some core functions in the package bags.

We start with loading necessary packages:


Data generation

Let’s generate random data from prior sampling of univariate Bayesian regression models based on G-BAGs with Gaussian errors using the function rbag().

That is, we generate \(y(t) = x(t)^T\beta + w(t) + \epsilon(t)\) assuming \(\epsilon(t) \sim N(0, \tau^2)\) and that spatiotemporal random effects \(w\) follow a G-BAG prior with a base covariance function \[C(h,u) = \frac{\sigma^2}{(a|u|+1)}\exp\left(-\frac{c||h||}{(a|u|+1)^{\kappa/2}}\right)\] where \(h\) is a spatial lag and \(u\) is a temporal lag between two locations \(t\) and \(t'\).

# set seed 
seed <- 20220720

# create coordinates on a grid 
ngrid_e <- 40 # number of grid on the easting axis 
ngrid_n <- 40 # number of grid on the northing axis 
ngrid_t <- 3  # number of grid on the time axis

grid_e <- seq(0, 1, length = ngrid_e)
grid_n <- seq(0, 1, length = ngrid_n)
grid_t <- seq(0, 1, length = ngrid_t)
coords <- expand.grid(easting = grid_e, northing = grid_n, time = grid_t) %>%
  arrange(time, easting, northing)
n <- nrow(coords)

# set the number of partitions in each coordinate axis 
n_easting <- 25 
n_northing <- 1 
n_time <- 3 

# set the true direction
z_true <- rep("W", times = n_easting*n_northing*n_time)

# set parameters
a <- 1 
c <- 7 
kappa <- 0
sig_sq <- 1
tau_sq <- 0.1
beta <- c(2, -1)

# generate data 
data <- rbag(coords = coords,
             n_partition = c(n_easting, n_northing, n_time),
             breaks_partition = list(breaks_easting = NULL,
                                     breaks_northing = NULL,
                                     breaks_time = NULL),
             z = z_true,
             params = list(tau_sq = tau_sq,
                           sig_sq = sig_sq,
                           a = a, c = c, kappa = kappa,
                           beta = beta),
             seed = seed)

# plot latent w                
data %>% 
  ggplot() + 
  geom_raster(aes(easting, northing, fill = w)) + 
  facet_grid(~ factor(time, label = paste("Time =", sort(unique(time))))) + 
  scale_fill_viridis_c() +
  labs(x = "Easting", y = "Northing", title = "Latent G-BAG")


Following notations of the manuscript, we can compute \(\tilde{C}_{z}\) using the function Ctilde(). \(\tilde{C}_{z}\) is the G-BAG induced nonstationary covariance matrix of a reference set \(S\) conditional on a DAG configuration \(z\), i.e., \(\tilde{p}(w_S \mid z) = N(0, \tilde{C}_z)\).

# extract coordinate-relevant columns 
coords_ptt <- data %>% 
  select(-y, -w, -starts_with("X"))

# compute G-BAG derived nonstationary covariance matrix 
nonstCov <- Ctilde(coords_ptt = coords_ptt, 
                   z = as.matrix(z_true),
                   params = list(sig_sq = sig_sq, a = a, c = c, kappa = kappa))

# compute the base stationary covariance matrix
spatdist <- dist(coords_ptt[,c("easting", "northing")], method = "euclidean")
timedist <- dist(coords_ptt[,c("time")], method = "manhattan")
invaup1 <- 1/(a*as.matrix(timedist)+1)
stCov <- sig_sq*invaup1*exp(-c*as.matrix(spatdist)*(invaup1^(kappa/2)))

# plot the covariance with a randomly selected point 
i_ref <- 500 
coords_ptt %>%
  mutate(Nonstationary = nonstCov[i_ref,], 
         Stationary = stCov[i_ref,]) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = Nonstationary:Stationary, 
               names_to = "cat", 
               values_to = "cov") %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_contour_filled(aes(easting, northing, z = cov)) +
  scale_fill_scico_d(palette = "lapaz", direction = -1) +
  geom_point(data = coords_ptt[i_ref,],
             aes(easting, northing), size = 2, col = "red") +
  facet_grid(cat ~ factor(time, label = paste("Time =", sort(unique(time))))) + 
  labs(x = "Easting", y = "Northing", fill = "Covariance") 

The figure above visualizes the G-BAG induced nonstationary covariance (top) and the stationary base covariance (bottom) between the red point at (Easting = 0.286, Northing = 0.5, Time = 0) and other reference locations. The true direction is set at “W”. We can imagine steady winds coming from west (i.e., from left to right).

Consequently, nonstationary covariance contours are horizontal ovals, not circles, at time 0. In other words, covariance values stay larger moving farther away from the red point on the E-W axis than any other axes at time 0. Moreover, the contours in the future look like doughs rolled out with a rolling pin consistently from left to right. They have larger space on the right than on the left of the spatial coordinate (0.286, 0.5) at time 0.5 and at time 1. This nonstationarity is reasonable because the latent directional force deriving the correlations across locations is assumed to move towards the right.

Posterior sampling

Suppose we observe only 80% of the data.

# set seed

# assign 80% of data to train data
coords_tr <- expand.grid(easting = grid_e, northing = grid_n) %>% 
  slice_sample(prop = 0.8) %>% 
  bind_cols(as.list(setNames(grid_t[1:ngrid_t], paste0("time_", 1:ngrid_t)))) %>% 
               values_to = "time") %>% 
  select(-name) %>% 
  arrange(time, easting, northing)
data_tr <- left_join(coords_tr, data, by = c("easting", "northing", "time"))
data_tt <- anti_join(data, data_tr, by = c("easting", "northing", "time"))
coords_tt <- data_tt[,c("easting", "northing", "time")]

y_tr <- data_tr$y
X_tr <- data_tr %>% select(starts_with("X"))
X_tt <- data_tt %>% select(starts_with("X"))

# plot observed y                
data_tr %>% 
  ggplot() + 
  geom_raster(aes(easting, northing, fill = y)) + 
  facet_grid(~ factor(time, label = paste("Time =", sort(unique(time))))) + 
  scale_fill_viridis_c() +
  labs(x = "Easting", y = "Northing", title = "Observed y")

With the train data above, we run posterior sampling of the Bayesian regression and make predictions at the test data using the function bag().

Users can specify hyperparameters in prior distributions. For temporal and spatial decay, for instance, we assign la \(= 0\), ua \(= 2\), lc \(= 6\), and uc \(= 8\), assuming \(a \sim Unif(0, 2)\) and \(c \sim Unif(6, 8)\).

# set directions 
directions <- c("W", "NW", "N")

# set mcmc 
mcmc <- list(save = 1000, burn = 1000, thin = 2) 

# run bag sampler
out <- bag(y = y_tr, 
           X = as.matrix(X_tr),
           coords = as.matrix(coords_tr),
           X_pred = as.matrix(X_tt),
           coords_pred = as.matrix(coords_tt),
           n_partition = c(n_easting, n_northing, n_time),
           breaks_partition = list(breaks_easting = NULL,
                                   breaks_northing = NULL,
                                   breaks_time = NULL),
           directions = directions,
           init = list(tau_sq = NULL,
                       sig_sq = NULL,
                       w = NULL,
                       z = NULL,
                       psi = NULL,
                       Sn = NULL),
           hyper = list(at = NULL, bt = NULL,
                        as = NULL, bs = NULL,
                        la = 0, ua = 2,
                        lc = 6, uc = 8,
                        mu0 = NULL, invV0 = NULL),
           mcmc = mcmc,
           n_threads = 10,
           seed = seed,
           verbose = FALSE,
           save_data = TRUE,
           save_est = TRUE,
           debug = list(psi_fixed = FALSE, z_fixed = FALSE))


After running the function bag(), we can analyze posterior samples of the parameters, recover the latent process \(w\), and visualize prediction of \(y(t)\) at missing locations.

# tau_sq = 0.1
mean(out$tau_sq_save) %>% round(3)
## 0.102

# beta = c(2, -1)
rowMeans(out$beta_save) %>% round(3)
## 2.021, -1.121

# sig_sq = 1
mean(out$sig_sq_save) %>% round(3)
## 0.945

# psi = c(a, c, kappa) = c(1, 7, 0)
rowMeans(out$psi_save) %>% round(3)
## 0.970, 7.327, 0.339

# w 
w_bag <- c(rowMeans(out$w_save), # estimated
           rowMeans(out$w_pred_save)) # predicted 

# y 
y_bag <- c(rowMeans(out$y_save), # estimated
           rowMeans(out$y_pred_save)) # predicted 
# plot predicted space by G-BAG
bind_rows(coords_tr, coords_tt) %>% 
  mutate(y = y_bag) %>% 
  ggplot() + 
  geom_raster(aes(easting, northing, fill = y)) + 
  facet_grid( ~ factor(time, label = paste("Time =", sort(unique(time))))) + 
  scale_fill_viridis_c() +
  labs(x = "Easting", y = "Northing", title = "G-BAG: Posterior mean")

Furthermore, we can examine inferred directions.

# compute posterior probability of choosing each direction at each partition
dir_prop <- data.frame(
  W = rowMeans(out$z_save == "W"),
  NW = rowMeans(out$z_save == "NW"),
  N = rowMeans(out$z_save == "N")

# derive the highest posterior probability and associated direction
dir_hpp <- apply(dir_prop, 1, function(x) directions[which.max(x)])
val_hpp <- apply(dir_prop, 1, max)

# compute the center of each partition for regularly spaced partitions
easting_cut <- seq(0, 1, length = n_easting + 1)
northing_cut <- seq(0, 1, length = n_northing + 1)
easting_midval <- 0.5*easting_cut[1:n_easting] + 0.5*easting_cut[-1]
northing_midval <- 0.5*northing_cut[1:n_northing] + 0.5*northing_cut[-1]

# create a data frame that links derived directions and partition centers
bag_dir <- data.frame(partition = sort(unique(data_tr$partition)),
                      direction = factor(z_true, levels = directions),
                      dir_hpp = factor(dir_hpp, levels = directions),
                      val_hpp = val_hpp) %>%
  separate(partition, c("row", "col", "time_d"), sep = ",", convert = TRUE) %>%
  mutate(easting_center = easting_midval[col],
         northing_center = northing_midval[n_northing + 1 - row],
         time = grid_t[time_d])

# visualize inferred directions
bag_dir %>% ggplot() +
  geom_tile(aes(x = easting_center, y = northing_center,
                fill = dir_hpp, alpha = val_hpp)) +
  labs(x = "Easting", y = "Northing", 
       alpha = "Posterior probability", fill = "Direction", 
       title = "G-BAG: Inferred directions") +
  scale_alpha(range = c(0.2, 1)) +
  facet_wrap(~ factor(time, label = paste("Time =", sort(unique(time))))) +
  scale_fill_scico_d(palette = "bamako", 
                     begin = 0.2, end = 0.8) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

We conclude the true direction “W” is well recovered by G-BAG with properly high posterior probabilities. Partitions which miss the true direction tend to be less opaque, implying the associated uncertainty is higher.